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The British Academy provides courses and modules in numerous fields of industry and commerce. Each English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course focuses on career-specific vocabulary and contexts that is combined with the General English course in order to develop your overall English language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. These courses benefit professionals who want to develop their English communication skills for a work environment.

Some of the ESP courses we cater for include:


Topics include bookkeeping, financial statements, taxes, career options, and office interactions.

Air Force:

Topics include the parts and types of aircraft; air force organisation and training; the range of air force career specialisations.


Topics include bank accounts, careers, online banking, types of bank, and regulation


Topics include making introductions, salary information, doing business with different cultures, quality standards, and business strategy.

Civil Aviation

Topics include parts of an aircraft, take-off procedures, en route events, landing procedures, and flight hazards.

Construction - Buildings

Topics include tools, foundations, structures, roofs, and finishing.


Topics include setting up a workplace, electrical safety, transistors, circuits, and reading diagrams.


Topics include tools, materials, number, engineering concepts, converting measurements, and career options.


Topics include banking, investing, careers, business operations, and insurance.

Hotels and Catering

Topics include hotel equipment, bookings, food and beverage services, security issues, and career options.


Topics include basic legal concepts, court processes, legal billing, evidence, and international law.


Topics include hospital employees, parts of the body, patient care, common illnesses, and career options.


Topics include parts of a ship, nautical language, types of ships, weaponry, navigation and more.


Topics include hospital departments, basic equipment, specific illnesses, nursing duties, and career options.


Topics include types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems, and the drilling process.

Others include:

Topics include Command and Control, Tourism, Information Technology and Police. For any course not shown please contact us: info@britishacademy.ae


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